An open continuation of the antiquated and abandoned GEDCOM standard. GEDCOM is alive!
View the Project on GitHub DecentralizedGenealogy/openGEDCOM
An array of events surrounding the people in your database such as birth, death, marriage etc.
"id": "EV001",
"type": "marriage",
"vitalType": "marriage",
"participant": [
"link": {
"target": "IndividualRec",
"ref": "IN001"
"role": "husband",
"age": "26"
"target": "IndividualRec",
"ref": "IN002"
"role": "wife",
"age": "21"
"date": {
"calendar": "Julian",
"text": "ABT 7 NOV 1834"
"place": {
"placeName": {
"placePart": [
"type": "town",
"level": "4",
"text": "Cove"
"type": "county",
"level": "3",
"text": "Cache"
"type": "state",
"level": "2",
"text": "Utah"
"type": "country",
"level": "1",
"text": "USA"
"coordinates": {
"latitude": "18.153 N",
"longitude": "178.150 E"
"placeNameVar": [
"method": "kana"
"method": "romanji"
"religion": "Reformed Christian",
"externalID": {
"type": "…",
"id": "…"
"submitter": "…",
"note": "…",
"evidence": {
"citation": {
"link": {
"target": "SourceRec",
"ref": "SR001"
"whereInSource": "File No. 7895-09, p. 23",
"whenRecorded": "10 June 1903",
"extract": "Text extracted from the source.",
"note": "Certified copy in possession of Larry T. Smith, Sandy, Utah."
"enrichment": "…",
"changed": "…"
"id": "EV002",
"type": "christening",
"vitalType": "birth",
"participant": [
"link": {
"target": "IndividualRec",
"ref": "IN001"
"role": "parent"
"link": {
"target": "IndividualRec",
"ref": "IN002"
"role": "parent"
"link": {
"target": "IndividualRec",
"ref": "IN003"
"role": "child"